Rabu, 11 September 2013

Love in Ames

안녕하세요, saya Gie.
Cerita ini tentang pengalaman pribadi saya selama dua bulan student exchange di USA Februari 2011. Seharusnya kami mengikuti kelas spring, tapi saya sangat bersyukur waktu sampai di Iowa, USA, winter belum berakhir dan saya masih bisa merasakan salju.

Saya masih sangat ingat kejadiannya dengan jelas, seperti video yang siap diputar di kepala saya kapanpun saya ingin mengenangnya
lagi. Saya baru saja pulang dari kampus (Iowa State University). Waktu
itu sudah hampir gelap, hawa musim dingin semakin menyelinap ke balik jaket dan membuat saya menggigil. Saya melangkah cepat menuju ke halte terdekat. Dan saat itulah saya melihat laki-laki jangkung berwajah oriental itu sedang duduk sendirian di halte sambil mendengarkan music dari headset-nya. Waktu itu saya juga sedang memakai handsfree (selama di Amrik saya terbiasa memakai handsfree kemana-mana kalau sedang jalan sendirian), kebetulan lagu yang sedang saya dengarkan adalah lagu Sung Si Kyung “In the Street”.

Awalnya saya tidak terlalu mempedulikannya, dia juga sibuk mengotak-atik hp-nya tanpa memandang saya. Tapi entah bagaimana – mungkin terbawa suasana gara-gara lagu mellow-nya Sung Si Kyung – perhatian saya mulai tersita. Mulut saya semakin gatal ingin mengajaknya bicara. Saya penasaran, dia ini orang Jepang, Korea, atau Cina. Sementara saya terus ragu mau bertanya atau tidak, bus yang menuju ke apartment saya datang, saya pun berpikir, “Sudahlah”.

Tapi mungkin Tuhan ingin sedikit menggoda saya, tak disangka dia juga naik bus yang sama dan duduk tepat di hadapan saya. Sepanjang perjalanan, saya hanya bisa melihat tengkuknya – dia terus saja
menunduk karena sibuk dengan hp-nya. Sesuatu dari dalam diri saya mendorong saya untuk mengajaknya ngobrol, tapi sampai ia turun lebih dulu, satu kalipun saya tidak pernah menyapanya. Entah dia sadar atau tidak, tapi saya pikir, “Paling juga besok saya sudah lupa dengannya.”

Beberapa hari berikutnya, saya sudah hampir melupakan pertemuan itu sampai saya kembali melihatnya di halaman kampus tepat di depan Curtiss Hall – gedung kelas Writing saya. Dia lagi-lagi sendirian. Perasaan saya kembali tak karuan, seperti ada yang mengatakan, “Sapa sekarang atau kau akan menyesal nanti”. Tapi saya yang – menurut teman-teman saya – sudah terkenal dengan sifat cuek, kembali memutuskan untuk tak menghiraukan dia dan mengambil langkah masuk ke Curtiss Hall karena kelas writing saya juga sudah akan dimulai.

Saya pikir akan selesai sampai disitu, tapi pada hari itu juga, saya kembali bertemu dia di bus dalam perjalanan kembali ke apartment. Saya agak menggerutu, “Ya Tuhan, ada apa ini?”

Dan kali ini saya putuskan untuk memberanikan diri menyapanya. Langkah pertama, saya duduk tepat disebelahnya. Langkah kedua, saya mengunyah permen Ha**ydent White yang selalu sedia dalam tas saya. Langkah ketiga, saya mengeluarkan kalimat, “Hello”. Dia menoleh sambil lalu menjawab dengan kata yang sama. “I thought I’ve seen you before,” kata saya lagi.

“Yeah,” dia menjawab begitu dan kemudian melanjutkan, “I saw you several times at UDCC (Kantin kampus)”

Gosh, he knows me. Saya langsung mengumbar senyum sambil sebisa mungkin menghindari ekspresi mupeng di wajah saya.
Kami tidak bisa ngobrol terlalu lama, karena kemudian dia turun lebih dulu. Saya bahkan tidak sempat menanyakan namanya.
Waktu itu salju tidak sedang turun, tapi pemandangan
di luar bus sangat putih karena salju tadi malam. Saya kembali mengenakan hands-free dan mendengarkan lagu yang tadi saya off-kan saat saya memutuskan untuk menyapanya.
Lagu “Why I like you” dari Suju baru saja selesai dan yang ada di playlist saya berikutnya adalah Kyuhyun dengan “7 years of love”. Saya menyandarkan kepala ke kaca jendela bus sambil berpikir, “Kalau memang ada sesuatu di antara kami,
mungkin kami akan bertemu lagi.”

Tapi terakhir kali saya melihat dia adalah saat farewell party sebelum saya dan beberapa teman Indonesia lainnya akan kembali ke tanah air setelah dua bulan berlalu. Kami tidak saling bicara, kami hanya saling melempar senyum.

Dan sekarang, saya hanya menganggapnya sebagai a beautiful moment in my first winter^^

Ketika Hati Ini Jauh DariNYA

Ada kalanya, ketika aku merasa bahwa membuka mata itu adalah sesuatu yang sangat merugikan
Ketika aku mengalami mimpi yang sangat indah dan dipaksa untuk kembali ke dunia nyata

Ada kalanya ketika aku tak ingin mendengar apapun lagi
Tak ingin menyaksikan apapun lagi
Tak ingin merasakan apapun lagi
Tak ingin mengalami apapun lagi
Ketika mata, telinga, hati, dan tubuh ini sudah sangat lelah
Dan ketika semua yang kuperjuangkan terasa tak pantas lagi

Ada kalanya ketika aku ingin menangis...
Namun tak ada air mata yang keluar
Ketika aku tak mampu mencintai, namun disaat yang bersamaan...
Juga tak memiliki satu apapun yang mampu kubenci untuk menjadikan segalanya lebih bernyawa
Ketika aku memandangi wajah di sekitarku
Dan merasa mereka sedang bicara tentang semua keburukanku
Ketika setiap suara tawa seolah sedang melempari wajahku dengan lumpur

Tak ada tempat yang mampu memberiku ruang
Tak ada waktu yang mampu memberiku masa
Tak ada suara yang mampu membuatku nyaman
Tak ada tatapan yang mampu membuatku tak merasa sedang dihakimi
Tak ada lagi orang yang berani kusebut sebagai teman
Seolah tawa dan senyum pun hanya menjadi sebuat coretan tak bermakna di atas kanvas

Imajinasi dan tokoh yang kukagumi pun terasa semakin samar
Tempat-tempat yang ingin kudatangi terasa semakin jauh dan tak terjangkau
Sampai tak mampu lagi kutemukan satu mimpi pun yang indah
Hingga aku tak mengharapkan apapun lagi

Selain tidur panjang dan tak ingin terjaga...

Explaining to Egyptians that Ikhwanul Muslimin (brotherhood) is not the terrorist.

 Osama Hassan this sign (R4bia) belongs to brother hood ,they are terrorism i am Egyptian Our military forces and police eliminate the terrorism ,

Zelky Yusuf Daviler Anyway, what going on in Egypt? Who attacs Egypt?

Osama Hassan a group of people called brother hood , they are terrorists and they do violent actions and they have weapons . Our military forces and police with Egyptian people face them now

Zelky Yusuf Daviler Where do they come from actually?

Osama Hassan they are egyptian but they use the religion to achieve the authority and control the country . egyptian people eliminate them in 30-6 revolution after they lost the authority , they practice terrorism

Zelky Yusuf Daviler What do they want there? Do they want have the authority?

Osama Hassan exactly !!

Zelky Yusuf Daviler Yeah -,-
I hate people in this world who keep fighting because of the authority, they are too greedy.
Who is the precident there?

Osama Hassan Mr Adly Mansour

Gie Aikawa That's probably ur own assumption, Osama Hassan.
Please dont push ur personal thought to someone else.
The military forces is the crazy one here. Have no mercy, killing children and women. Just do everything heartless as a puppet.
Watch and read the news from trusted mass media.
Dont trust something just because of it's shoved into ur mouth.
I have heard a lot about ikhwanul muslimin, they do nothing but the kindness. U should think and do a research or sort of, before u gave an information to others.

Osama Hassan hahahahahahah , brother hood are terrorism don't listen to this man , i am Egyptian Our military forces and police eliminate the terrorism , watch how the media battle Egypt https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151807770023556

Zelky Yusuf Daviler Actually I dont know exactly what it's going on there, I dont know who is right who is wrong, hope by reading your conversations I get a little bit info about Egypt

Gie Aikawa Just because u are an Egyptian doesnt mean everything u said about Egypt is true.
Geez, u're one of the military's puppet, i guess
What kind of media did you make as ur basic assumption?
I pity you, u are an Egyptian but you bring ur nation dawn by trusting the wrong side.
While we are arguing who's wrong or right. Ppl just keep being murdered in Egypt. Military forces kill them all. That's what called as EVIL

Osama Hassan you don't understand the situation, i speak clearly our military forces and police eliminate the terrorism "brother hood"

Gie Aikawa Who said brother hood is terrorist?
Crap that all.
Why should ppl trust u? Just by seeing how ur beloved military forces kill the citizen does explain so much about who's the evil there

Osama Hassan my dear , i said to u before i am egyptian . brother hood fired many mosques and churches and there isn't in the Islam . they sniping people from the higher places . i know you are wronged because some media wanna destroy egypt but you must read or listen carefully and keep ur mind going on and think accurately

Gie Aikawa My dear-poor-deceived-Egyptian-fella.
Try to search some info from Al Jazeera or some other high-grade mass media to make an assumption, would you?
You are the one who should think accurately and carefully, it's about ur nation after all ~ but i do care anyway.
Ikhwanul muslimin (brotherhood) is the one who stood together to protect the Christian Church last 2012.
Seriously, ain't you read or watch the news? Or may be you just know about all of this matter from ur beloved military forces announcement?
Please stop embarrasing urself, i cant pity u more than this.

Ahmed Gad #gieaikawa who are you to said to osama that he not all Egyptian you are not Egyptian so don't talk about Egypt its our problem we are Muslim and we hit brother hood
 talk about your country if you can don't talk about Egypt are you under stand

Gie Aikawa OMG, here comes another one
Dear, Ahmed Gad.
what grade are u exactly? Ain't you learn how to read?
which sentence of mine says that Osama Hassan is not all Egyptian?
Geez, kids these days just so troublesome.

Ahmed Gad hey you don't talk about my country its not your country you cant talk about your country if you can

Gie Aikawa i wonder, why Osama Hassan took so long time to replay my comment. so that he called his friend out to get some help here.
listen kid, I dont care about you or ur friend.
i do care about my brothers who get killed in ur sacred country.
I am musliim as well. we are not talking about who's country it is, we are talking about humanity. how the military forces take life from so many innocent ppl there.
go to school, Ahmed and Osama. learn no crap.
make a useful matter of ur heart and brain.
think. think. think
dont let urself got deceived.
ur military forces kill the citizen.

Osama Hassan you aren't egyptian and tell us what happened . HOW COME ??
we know more than u , we see what happened with our eyes so keep calm, Okay Gie ,,,

Ahmed Gad you are so stupid i said we are Muslim and not kids iam young than you all problem Egyptian hit brother hood and brother hood want to control on Egypt and Egyptian not allowed to brother hood to control on Egypt and they have weapons and kill Egyptian so our army save us from brother are you under stand stupid

Gie Aikawa Ahmed, go to school and learn how to write or speak
you sound like no muslim at all.
and i cant get what exactly u are talking about.

Osama, say it while remembering Allah
did you really see with ur own eyes, brotherhood kill the innocent?
or, did you see the military forces kill the innocent?
Egyptian is Egyptian, truth is truth
in this case, I can't take Egyptian is the truth.
especially from some kids like you.
dont spread any slander just because you dont know what exactly happens in ur country.
they want you to hate brotherhood. so that they can kick Mursi out. then they can put another puppet to take Mursi place.
ordering around in ur country, ignoring the weaklings.
turn ur nation and muslims down.

Osama Hassan yes, i saw that :)

Ahmed Gad i swear you are stupid

Gie Aikawa you saw someone's being murdered and you put "SMILE"....?
MashAllah, what are you?
Thanks God, now I really enable to DOUBT this kid.

Ahmed Gad who is kids ??

Gie Aikawa And I swear to God you know nothing, KID.

Ahmed Gad how old are you
Ahmed Gad hahaha you will fast because really i saw

Gie Aikawa you think and act like a KID. that's why i call you KID
there's nothing to do with ages at all

and I think its just about time to get Zelky comes and "fix" everything. lol xD

Ahmed Gad are you know iam sure you are from brother hood because they stupid people and never under stand and say strange words such as you
Ahmed Gad you are donkey

Gie Aikawa big LOL xD
Ahmed, please dont show to everyone here that u really are a KID. the more you talk, the more you embarrassed urself
 that's so childish :)

Osama Hassan we are Egyptians , who are you to argue us , i deal with brother hood and know them correctly so stop talking and we aren't kids we are guys and the guys made 25jan and 30jun revolutions , i swear you can't do this in your country so keep calm and follow ur country news

Ahmed Gad talk more and more in your country no one know brother hood but believe me if you come to Egypt you will never can talk about brother hood we will kick your ass

Gie Aikawa I am HUMAN.
Osama, who are you to say that all Egyptian is telling the truth?
Gie Aikawa Kids, kids... calm down.
you really show your true face right now.

Ahmed Gad the kids who are you talk about them they save egypt from some terrorism that you from them

Osama Hassan i am a guy participate in the two revolutions and have a good knowledge to reply doubt about Egypt .

Ahmed Gad good osama so #gie what did you do to your country ?

Gie Aikawa so that you KIDS are together with the military forces has been killing innocent citizens.
I see... I see...
geez, I surely talk with the wrong Egyptian here

Osama Hassan you can't answer our comments and questions so you escape like mice !!

Ahmed Gad hhhhhhhhh is there wrong Egyptian and right Egyptian wow so in your mind right Egyptian who with brother hood and wrong Egyptian who love them country and against terrorism and hit brother hood thank you you are not fair you from brother hood the biggest terrorism in world

Gie Aikawa thank you for saying that I am with Brotherhood
that's quite an honor for me as a muslim
we could stand together to protect our brothers and sisters from being murdered by the army.
dont ask about my country, we live so peacefully and have no problem here
because we know what the truth and what the false is.
we can think using our brain clearly, not influenced by evil.
we're afraid of GOD. HE knows when we tell a lie.
Allah knows everything
Gie Aikawa Oops.
04.13 am here
need to off, kids
lets talk again later, after you read some books and gain some intelligence of course
see you now

Osama Hassan watch and know the truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgJ0BfWXixsGie Aikawa

 Oktavia Vivi Sarah stop it. just calm . wht talkng about? ! just calm.

Ahmed Gad #gie so now you say from brother hood in the first you don't say any thing and Allah know who lie don't worry

(next day)
Gie Aikawa Good day, everyone ^^
Shall we continue again?
But i think tht would be pointless since I still cant get what #Ahmad does try to say ^-^
I am sorry, my English is so bad

#Osama, thank you. Let us find together the truth. Wish Allah show us what the truth in Egypt.

#Oktavia, we are calm
I mean, i am calm.

Gie Aikawa Oh, by the way, #Osama
 Everyone could be able to put video in Youtube.
I mean EVERYONE can post EVERY VIDEO in youtube.
Thats why we cant trust every single thing just because that thing is posted in youtube.
 Try to check AL JAZEERA, would you?
As long as I know, they tell NO LIE.
When im searching for the truth, i hope u also do the same

Ahmed Gad #gie i think you didn't answer to any question you just say kids and bad language shut your mouse and don't talk about Egypt
Ahmed Gad your mother is machine Gie Aikawa

Gie Aikawa I never say any bad language/words towards you since the very beginning. Please reread all comments up there.
Im not the one who said something like "stupid" "donkey" or "your mother is machine" #Ahmed.

Learn how to speak and respect others #Ahmed. shame on you.

*end of the conversation*
mereka tidak datang lagi untuk me-replay komen saya yg terakhir.
Saya memang agak terpancing waktu berdiskusi dengan mereka^^'
tapi saya sudah sebaik mungkin berusaha menghindar agar tidak mengucapkan kata2 buruk.
bagaimana menurut Anda? Apakah saya sudah melakukan kesalahan?

Explaining to Indonesian that It's Important to Care About Egypt

Ben Yusuf , Gie Aikawa for which pobud busy with Egypt. Do you care about what happens in our country. What do you think about this??? representatives of the people sleeping at the time of trial (red: talking about the pic he has posted, showing some authorities of Indonesia who are sleeping while the meeting's held)

Gie Aikawa, You are so damn selfish, sir.
have u ever seen how ppl get murdered in Egypt?
dont u consider them as ur brothers and sisters?
what if that massacre happen here, in this peaceful Indonesia, killing ur beloved family?
We are rich enough here, we can sleep well and make sure that we would wake up tomorrow without afraid of the bomb will blow up at our house.
if you wait to fix Indonesia perfectly before u care about others, then wait till the doomsday comes.

Ben Yusuf , why do you curse me. I know what is happening in Egypt. but it is not our business. lah let them settle his affairs. indeed we are a religion. and their relatives from the religion of Islam. but you never know that we deem brother??? try to think clearly do not just see what's going on because of murder or mayhem that occurs there.

Gie Aikawa, i didn't curse you, sir.
'Damn' in this term is not the curse. it's just used to emphasize that u are so selfish.
You know what happens in Egypt and you stay calm. wow, that's very kind of you.
It's not YOUR business, OK, but dont say it's not "OUR" business. Coz it's definitely my business.
Let, them settle their affairs, OK, but I cant stay calm if Ikhwanul Muslimin (Brotherhood) being blamed.
I'm thinking so damn clearly right now for GOD's sake

Ben Yusuf , ok i want to ask you the same thing, if you can save them from what is happening in Egypt??? of course the answer is no. we can only pray, mundukung it alone. even if you go there what you can to stop the chaos? certainly once the answer (who you are what you are Egyptian citizens) that are bound to happen. not believe try it. because that's what's on my mind, not because I am selfish or do not care about fellow Muslims

Gie Aikawa, YES, SIR.
You got the point.
WE CAN'T SAVE THEM, indeed. We can only pray, true.
Have you ever prayed for them? I'm glad if you did
I have no intention to come to Egypt.
What a little unworthy woman like me could do if I go there.
That's why I just keep posting about the truth. at least ppl know the truth.
if they know the truth, more aids will come, more prayer will exist, more supporting words will help to carry their burden.
That is exactly what I can do for them

(another Indonesian comes)
Yuana, fighting?

Ben Yusuf , That not fighting just only conversation only . hehe

Gie Aikawa, Yes, a very important conversation

Ben Yusuf , The above conversation seems like a fight. but it was only casual conversations. with two different idialisme.

Yuana, huftt..ok.dont fight ok..but what happened actually in egypt.sory since i live in the moon,i dont know everything about th earth haha..tell me please

(A Pakistani comes)
Ali Afraz Kolachi, I am realy support Rajab tayab ardoghan on this speach coz i know very well what the aim of Israil and america behind this Violetion in egypt jews wants to destroy muslims thats why they dont want that any muslim country country got Power. Well Gie good conversation Hatsoff to u (red: talking about this link:http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/israel-behind-coup-to-oust-morsi-turkish-pm-erdogan-says.aspx?pageID=238&nID=52876&NewsCatID=338 which I have posted before)

Gie Aikawa, Thanks for coming Ali. We are happy to have u here

Yuana, sounded nice topic.but why all of you bother about it

Gie Aikawa Yuana, there's a coup in Egypt. Moorsi won the election to be Egypt's President. But there's a 3rd power that wont allow Mursi to lead Egypt. Since Mursi is a good muslim and Brotherhood supports him. The military forces in Egypt started the massacre, they killed Brotherhood including the innocent citizens.

Yuana, gie@if i got the botherhood phone number i will call him directly

Gie Aikawa, Yuana, what will u say to Brotherhood then?

Ali Afraz Kolachi, Yuana why u call Ikhwan.ul.Muslimoon Brotherhood? What u want to say them?

Ben Yusuf , yes that is said by anggie.'s true, do not be too fanatical what is happening in Egypt. because it is not our business. we actually were so affair as the nation's generation. you try to see what is happening in our country you see people's representatives try to sleep while hearing what it's worth so that such representative or role model? what do you think. we did not like the conditions in Egypt. that every night was full of fear bomb fell on their house.

Yuana, stop the battle if youre a gentleman

Gie Aikawa, Yuana, Brotherhood didnt want war in the first place. Military forces keep murdering ppl. So u should call Egypt's military forces instead of brotherhood

Ali Afraz Kolachi, Yuana brotherhood is only Protest against Army action if u want to stop battle then call the Army Chief of Egypt.

Yuana, yeah i will call both.DIRECTLY!.rather than make such conversation.which would not effect anything.why so worry if you can just do nothing.ACT!this is important

 (Another Indonesian comes)
Wisnu Agustian, they are leaders from my society, and they only work sleep, work sleep, and work sleep again (Red: talking about the pic which  Ben Yusuf de Groot has posted)

Gie Aikawa, Dont worry @Wisnu Agustian and Ben de Groot. Our country problem is just so trivial to be compared with what happens in Egypt.

Yuana, oh sorry i wrong information haha (red: I dont know what she did mean)

Gie Aikawa, Yuana, what we do here is ACT as well
Act isnt always about come to Egypt and fighting. Act can be done also by spread the truth so tht a lot of ppl would aware about what really happens. Then ppl will send their pray and support.
That means so much

Yuana, no.is not enough.yeah like what i was say.call directly to them.so they will know.if u want to discuss about it you have to invited people around th world.so that would make little chance.o myGOD.I hope i can get theyre number as fast as possible

Ben Yusuf , haha gie ye not concerned with the problems that are faced this problem. like that is what makes the criminals the opportunity for corruption. and that in our country will probably leave as Egyptian. what do you think all

Gie Aikawa Yuana, my dear. If you could get their numbers easily, I will not bother to use internet for saying a word.
You said i have to invite ppl around the world to discuss about it?
Gie Aikawa, Well then Ben de Groot. I'm gonna leave this trivial matter for u. So please make Indonesia turns better. Right now, i have no time to deal with it. My brothers and sisters are dying in Egypt today

Yuana, where.just few only cme to your conversation

Gie Aikawa, Few is worth it than nothing

Ben Yusuf , Just only sayed WOW. Gie Aikawa What's in it for you. what they will regard you as a hero. Come to think clearly and healthy.

Yuana hahaha yeah the effect would just only 1%.dont get mad but this is the fact

Ali Afraz Kolachi, Yuana we both Gie and me searching the People who had Brotherhøod and at the same time Army chief's number when we get their numbers we will send u in msg oke

Gie Aikawa Tbh, Ben de Groot. I'm not doing something to make ppl call me as HERO.

Gie Aikawa, Yuana, Again, 1% is worth it than nothing

Ben Yusuf , never mind are endless. we'd better shower and enjoy the sunny weather. piss (red: perhaps, he meant 'peace')

Yuana, OK ALi.hahaha i like you..if like this i can take long breath now huuffff.thank you bro

Yuana, gie@ckckckck good soul hahaha next time make invitton letter to get more people on to your cnversation

Ali Afraz Kolachi, Ur welcome and now u also share this coz Aiman.al.Zawahiri waiting for ur call

(another Indonesian comes *late*) lol xD
Muhammad Rijali Riyadi, Okay, then the conversation ended peacefully again Gie...

Gie Aikawa, Yep, You always come late Muhammad Rijali Riyadi. I've handled it already. Peacefully, ofc

Muhammad Rijali Riyadi, Nice work. Different feeling and point of view may lead us into an endless debate.

Gie Aikawa indeed, Riyadi, indeed. previously with the Egyptians. and now with the Indonesian

Muhammad Rijali Riyadi, Sigh... I just can understand why some ppl being so sceptical...

Gie Aikawa, hm... hm...

    *end of the conversation*this post has been edited to make ppl could read it clearly.

    Novel New Entri (Penerbit Kana Media - www.galangpress.com )


    Aku merasa tidak nyaman kalau ada orang lain di dekatku. Aku sudah terbiasa sendirian, aku suka sendirian. Karena waktu sendiri aku tak perlu memikirkan apa yang akan aku dan orang lain katakan. 
    Pertemuan yang Tak Terduga  (Page 27)

    Apa yang mereka sebut Tuhan itu juga tidak pernah melihatku. Dia tidak pernah menemukanku di antara sekian banyak makhluk yang sudah diciptakanNya. Dia sudah melupakanku.
    Hujan (Page 41)

    Kadang terpikir olehku, kalau Tuhan itu memang ada, apa mungkin Dia terlalu sibuk mengatur semua ini? Menenggelamkan matahari pada waktunya,menerbitkannya lagi besok, dan melakukan hal-hal rumit lainnya, sehingga Dia tak sempat melakukan perbaikan sekecil apa pun dalam hidupku.
    Kenapa Harus Memaafkan? (Page 78)

    Aku tak penah meminta orang lain untuk membantuku, jadi aku juga tak punya kewajiban untuk membantu orang lain. Aku tidak mau terlibat dengan siapapun,karena mereka semua bisa menghilang dan pergi kapan saja, dan aku tidak mau merasakan sakit karena ditinggalkan lagi. Aku tidak mau.
    Mungkin Tuhan Sudah Meninggalkanku (Page 115)

    Aku tahu dia menangis tapi aku sama sekali tak berniat meredakan tangisannya. Dari awal saja dia sudah salah. Siapa suruh menyukaiku? Aku bukan orang yang bisa menyenangkan hati orang lain. Aku bukan orang yang bisa menjamin dia akan bahagia kalau aku membalas rasa sukanya. Aku tidak mengerti dengan hal-hal seperti itu dan aku tak mau memikirkannya.
    Ketika Cinta Menyapa (Page 110)